Riley Ross - Rochester High School

The long-time SASA player from Rochester made the jump to DII soccer at McKendree University in 2018 and has played in all but one match her first two seasons.

“The jump from high school/club soccer to DII college soccer was a big one,” says Ross. “The pace of the game increases, the standard of play is always high, and the competition is always strong. “

“I feel that SASA prepared me to handle all of these challenges. ”

Ross started with SASA at age 7 and played 11 seasons.  As you can imagine she played for a variety of SASA coaches over that time.

“I am so thankful to have had many SASA coaches that made a difference in my soccer career. Klif Schmidt, Rhett Mays, Drew Lenhardt, Rene Troppa, Nikki Bull-Equez, and Mike Whitsman are the coaches that had the greatest impact on me.”

As her career continued at SASA, Ross knew she would have an opportunity to play college soccer. “SASA played a huge role in helping me achieve my goal of playing college soccer. They provided numerous opportunities for me to play in front of college coaches at showcases, and also prepped me for the college level of play with intensive trainings and competitive games.”

“I always felt that SASA wanted me to succeed.”
Check out Ross’s college roster page at