Attend a college ID camp

A great way for coaches to get to know you is to attend an ID camp.  Just about every college hosts at least one ID camp each year, although the pandemic caused many camps in 2020  and 2021 to be canceled.  But some, such as UIS, still held their ID camps, which you will find  at

Be sure to check if coaches from other colleges will be at the camp.  The more coaches from different colleges at a camp, the more exposure you get.

The downside of attending camps is the cost.  Camps double as a fundraiser for the college soccer program so they may seem expensive.  But what you get for the money is the experience of being coached by college coaches and the opportunity for coaches to see you play and get to know you as a person.

A great website to find college ID camps hosted by colleges is  

There are also college ID camps hosted by for-profit organizations such as EXACT Sports.  They heavily promote all of the colleges that will be at the camps.  But read the fine print.  Sometimes the schools listed are examples, not commitments, or the colleges agreed only to watch the video of the camp as opposed to participating in person.

In summary, to view ID camps run by by colleges, see this website

To view ID camps run by for-profit organizations try these websites: